– an olfactory boat-trip –
site specific, open air intervention/performance (2010)

Do you smell a field of rose flowers, or do you smell the scent of a beautiful woman? SMELL X ILLUSION is a boat-trip where new smells are being added to the existing environment. While you proceed through the Dordrecht harbours you perceive these smells and automatically you develop relationships between the smell and the environment.
SMELL X ILLUSION makes use of existing smells that are being presented in a different context. The audience is being challenged to enjoy the imaginations and illusions that appear because, wether we want it or not, always try to create a coherent world out of the perceptions of one and another sense. The ‘fluisterboot’ takes you on a trip along the back-sides of houses, shops and restaurants in the city centre of the medieval Dordrecht. These form the set for a challenging expedition.
SMELL x ILLUSION is een rondvaart door Dordrecht waarbij nieuwe geuren aan de bestaande omgeving toegevoegd worden. Terwijl je door de havens van dordrecht vaart neem je deze geuren waar en leg je automatisch verbanden tussen beide.
SMELL x ILLUSION maakt gebruik van bestaande geuren die in een andere context gepresenteerd worden. Het publiek wordt uitgedaagd om te genieten van de verbeeldingen en illusies die onstaan doordat we, of we het willen of niet, een coherente wereld proberen te maken uit de waarnemingen van het ene en het andere zintuig. De ‘fluisterboot’ neemt je mee op een tocht langs de achterkanten van huizen, winkels en restauranten in centrum van het middeleeuwse Dordrecht. Deze vormen het decor voor een uitdagende expeditie.
VENUE: Urban Explorers Festival in Dordrecht, The Netherlands
DATE: May 21, 22, 23, 2010
ORGANIZER: Centrum Beeldende Kunst
SPONSOR (FRAGRANCE): Omega Ingredients


The boat trip was lasting one hour. It sailed through the canals of the medieval Dordrecht city center. Time to time different scents were sprayed in the air with a sort of paint spray gun connected to an air tank. The scents were sometimes “matching” to the environment, but sometimes not, to create a nice surprise.

20 scents were developed, partly by manual extraction from the materials. The scents were sprayed in the air with a sort of paint spray connected to an air tank.
- lavender
- french fries (self extract)
- coffee (Omega Ingredients)
- banana (Omega Ingredients)
- Suriname’s TOKO
- Robijn(raw)
- myrrhe
- seaweed (self extract)
- rose
- beer (raw)
- pizza (self extract)
- cognac (raw)
- chocolate (Omega Ingredients)
- cardamon (Omega Ingredients)
- speculaas spices (self extract)
- coconut
- camphor
- BBQ chicken (self extract)
- Chanel 5 (raw)
- zwitsal (raw)

More documentations regarding development: http://scent-lab.blogspot.com/search/label/%5BSMELL%20x%20ILLUSION%5D
Used Compressor , for the tanks
Oxalis Atindriyaratri, assistant
Edwin van der Heide, advisor
De Stroper, for the boat trip