Makoto Yokomizo x Maki Ueda


DATE: July 23 (TUE)- Aug 9 (FRI), 2013. 10:00-18:00.
CONTEXT: Mazda 100 years anniversary
VENUE: Okamura Garden Court Show Room
SPONSOR: Okamura Co., Ltd.
SUPPORT: Yamamoto Perfumery Co., Ltd.

It’s a void space dedicated for touching, hearing, and smelling. The architect Makoto Yokomizo designed a semi-dark space that makes you feel like “endless space that is vast and misty”, and Maki Ueda made the scent diffusion system for it. As you walk into the space you cannot see at instance, then you  automatically switch your priority to hearing, touching, and smelling. As you get used to the darkness you see no end in the space. There’s no object but an environment. As you explore in the space you smell differently – 3 principle smells are used here like RGB for monitors. Thus, smells navigate you in the space. There’s no meaning given to the smells, but it’s you who give them.  The focus is your sense of smell, movement, and orientation.


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