- シャネル5番の分解 -
世界初公開: V2_ Institute for Unstable Media(オランダ・ロッテルダム)www.v2.nl
イベント名:Smell This!
ライブビデオの映像: http://player.v2.nl/embed/432/start/0/thumb/2821.24/
ロッテルダムのメディア・アート系スペース、V2_ にて嗅覚に関するアート・イベント Smell This! があり、デモンストレーターとして発表しました。
デモンストレーションとして展示したのが、OLFACTOSCAPE という2010年の作品。布で作られた直径3mの空間で、「空間における匂いのコンポジション」をテーマにしています。タイトルの" OLFACTOSCAPE" は、OLFACTO = 嗅覚、SCAPE = あるシーン、この2つの単語で作った造語です。
今回は、サブテーマとして、 deconstructing Chanel No. 5 を掲げました。直訳すると「シャネル5番の分解」。 円筒状のカーテンに、シャネル5番の重要コンポーネントを別々にぐるっとスプレーします。理論的に推論すれば、真ん中に立ったときに、「シャネル5番」のトータルな匂いが嗅げるはず。そして、カーテン沿いに歩けば単独の匂いが嗅げるはずです。音楽に例えれば、トータルな匂いが「ハーモニー」で、それを構成する単独の匂いが「トーン」です。そんなズーム・イン/アウト的な嗅覚体験を観客に楽しんでもらう、というインスタレーションです。
「あのシャネル5番を分解するんだってさ」という話題が話題を呼び、オランダの国民紙的な新聞にも掲載されてしまう始末です。作品はまだ「机上の空論」」だったのに・・・ (笑)ロッテルダムの他のトークイベントでもプレゼンをしました。地元色の濃いイベントなのに、唯一の東洋女性であるわたしは、明らかに異色・・・。
私はプレゼンで、作品の説明をするとともに、こう述べました。 「人間には2つの鼻の穴がついています。それは無意味についているわけではありません。犬のように、クンクンしてみると、けっこう匂いの発生源に行き着くのです。犬も、右に移動したり左に移動したりしながら、匂いの強度を探って、発生源に辿りつきます。鼻は耳にもちょっと似ていますね。ですが、それを体感する機会はありませんので、この空間で「嗅覚のステレオ体験」をしてみてください。この空間内ではぶつかるものは何もありませんので、安心して手を使って壁伝いに歩いてください。」 被験者に空間の中に入ってもらい、実際に壁伝いに歩いてもらいます。 「いま、ローズの匂いがしますよね。では右にちょっと移動してください。ミュゲの匂いがしてきます。しましたか? では、また左に戻ってください。そして、ローズと、ミュゲの匂いが均等に混ざる点を探してください。」
「嗅覚と聴覚を比べてみましょう。聴覚の場合、音源から遠いほど音が小さく聞こえ、近づくにつれてその音量はきれいなグラデーションを描きます。しかし、嗅覚の場合は どちらかというと、ON or OFF 的なのです。閾値を超えると、それが認識できる、つまり、「嗅げる」。ですので、私がローズの香りをハッキリと嗅げるのは、ココの地点(壁から20cm以内)です。ですので、壁から離れて、あらゆる匂いが混ざる中心エリアも楽しんでみてください。そのため、空間に入るのは、1人か2人のグループにしてくださいね。」
詳細はこちらへ(英語):http://www.olfactoryart.net/index.php/olfactory-news/14-olfactory-news/109 (Caro Verbeek 嗅覚のアート専門のキュレータ、批評家)
思い起こせば、 V2との関わりは1996年から始まりました。私の師匠であった教授が、「ちょうどオランダのV2というところで展示をしきたよ」と、そのフェスティバルのビデオを見せてくれたのです。その雰囲気が、オトナかっこよくて痺れました。それから様々なプロジェクトで、いろんな立場でV2とは関わってきました。最初はこの教授の教え子として半ば強引に押しかけ(笑)、その後は駆け出しの作家として、日本語の翻訳者として、友人として、作家の妻として、キュレーターとして・・・etc。もうここのスタッフは、ちょっとファミリーみたいな存在です。
olractoryart.net 上に掲載された、Caro Verbeek によるレビュー
OLFACTO (= olfactory) SCAPE (= scenery)
OLFACTOSCAPE is an invisible panorama painting. It's a 3m diameter space created with a curtain. The walls are "painted" with smells.
Perfume is a composition of multiple ingredients, often more than a hundred. Making a perfume is like making a piece of music: creating a harmony with multiple tones. In this version of the OLFACTOSCAPE, independent components (aromatic ingredients) of Chanel No. 5 are separately placed (sprayed) at the different locations. If you stand in the middle point of the space, you would smell the "harmony." If you walk along the curtain, you would smell the "individual tones." The intention is thus, to deconstruct the Chanel No. 5, and to reconstruct it again.
Enter the space, close your eyes, walk and sniff like a dog. Some scents come closer to you, while others fade away. When do you smell the "harmony" and when do you smell the "individual tones?" Do the scents navigate you instead of you navigating yourself? Is there any scent that attracts you, or that makes you want to approach?
This project is supported by Omega Ingredients and inframince.jp.
A multi-sensorial perception of space - ‘Olfactoscape’ by Maki Ueda
A review by Caro Verbeek, an art historian
(cited from http://www.olfactoryart.net/index.php/olfactory-news/14-olfactory-news/109)
‘Because we have two nostrils and because we can move, we are able to perceive smells in stereo and navigate through a space by inhaling’
Eyes closed, hands on the circularly arranged cloth hanging from the ceiling, concentrated on the olfactory clues sprayed on the textile in front of me, I slowly make my way through Maki Ueda’s ‘Olfactoscape’. ‘Chanel no. 5 deconstructed’ it said in the announcement. Suddenly an obtrusive smells hits me like a brick wall. I knew this was coming, but still it’s incredibly overwhelming; pure animalistic and deeply penetrating musk! Without hesitating I take one step back. It’s still there. Recovering from the first shock I am turning slightly to the left as it disappears. Nothing now. I move closer to the smooth flexible wall counter-clockwise. This brings me back to the more pleasant less pungent aroma I perceived one minute earlier. This one is less volatile, has less volume so to speak. By shifting my weight from one foot to another I try to find the exact border between the two. And there it is! Sharp like a knife. Apparently movement facilitates a spatial perception of odour to such a level that it becomes a floating and clearly defined shape.
‘Because we have two nostrils and because we can move, we are able to perceive smells in stereo and navigate through a space by inhaling’, Maki Ueda tells the audience before inviting them to visit ‘Olfactoscape’ during the V2 ‘Smell this’ event on the 15th of March. ‘Remember to keep your eyes closed and to move slowly’, she adds with a serious expression on her face. ‘Olfacto’ referring to the sense of smell and ‘scape’ to a landscape, this circular installation containing the most important components of the famous Chanel no. 5, enables visitors to experience space by one of our most underrated senses. ‘Why did you choose this type of construction’ one curious bystander remarks. Ueda: ‘When you stand in the middle, you perceive the harmony, that’s why this installation is organized as a circle, although a labybrinth or a rectangular narrow space would have been interesting as well’.
‘This was the first modern perfume’, she continues. ‘All perfumers educated now have to be able to reproduce it’. Chanel no. 5 is a so-called signature perfume. Its origins are surrounded by myths. One of the stories is that of a perfume mixer that somehow overdosed on aldehydes and ‘boom’: the birth of the first modern perfume, which - supposedly by mistake - has an extremely characteristic aroma. When isolated, these aldehydes are somewhat unpleasant and ‘fatty’ as Maki describes them.
Most of us are familiar with the fact that odours that are perceived as foul or hideous when secluded, turn out to pleasant and (wildly) attractive when covered with floral or fruity top notes. Musk and indole (to be found in human feces and associated with prostitutes at that time) are suddenly acceptable by upper class women when combined with vanilla or citrus. Chanel no. 5 is one of these layered almost schizophrenic perfumes. By deconstructing and grouping the most important ingredients, the artist presents to us a three-dimensional version of the most famous perfumes of all times. She allows us to smell the less agreeable odorants separately, exposing the bare naked femme fatale (base notes) underneath the civilized dressed up lady at the surface (top and middle notes). This makes it a bit like watching a scary movie. You know something is about to happen, but you can’t predict when. But your body knows before your mind.
Beside this more conceptual layer, there is a poetic and purely sensual aspect to the work which one can exclusively become aware of while experiencing this aromatic landscape. It forces you to combine several of your senses as if they were one: touch, smell and proprioception or kinaesthesia. A kinaesthetic experience is usually conceived by sight and even sound in combination with movement. This less well known sense tells us what our position is in a defined space. The unique circumstances provided by Olfactoscape, hand us the possibility to navigate through space with our hands, nose and body. The knowledge of the presence of certain ingredients, such as indole, aldehydes and musk, offers an extra dimension. Once you perceive them, being aware of the fact that your body almost described 360 degrees by this point, they function as a grand finale.
After exchanging the darkness and consolation of the installation for ‘neutral’ air and sharp electric light I am in a complete different state of mind. The mindful and multi-sensorial journey through Chanel no. 5 definitely left its mark on me.