
Smell, Life and Technology

Maki Ueda

Willem de Kooning Art Academy / Crosslab / Lifestyle and Design 
April 2010

7 April

- Introduction about my self – slide-show of my work
- Discussion – ‘what does smell mean to your life?’
- Brief introduction to smell and technology
- Assignment [1]: Research and find an interesting, existing example of “Smell – Life – Technology”. It does not necessarily use the digital technology, but it should be something surprising, innovative, and interesting.  You can use the internet as resources.

Explain briefly on your blog-site what it is about, and also why you got interested in it.  Make a presentation the next week with using your blog.

Presentation time: 3 to 5 min per person
Language: English (good chance to exercise this for you and me!)

14 April

- Presentation of Assignment [1]

- Assignment [2]:

We’ll talk about future.  Create an idea for a project relating to ‘smell – life – technology’.  For example you can initiate a venture company that provides a new type of service for smell and taste, open a new type of restaurant or shop, product design, artwork, etc etc…

You’d need money to realize it.  Imagine that you have to convince an investor (= the audience) with your presentation.  (Let’s vote after the presentations to whom we’d want to invest!) Use your blog site efficiently for your  presentattion.

Tip:  explain shortly and clearly WHAT it is about, for WHOM it is, WHY you want to do it, HOW it works and HOW you would realize it (technically it doesn’t have to be realistic if it’s explained so)

- time of presentation: 3 to 5 min.
- language: English.
- no laptop open during other’s presentations
- take notes on a sheet of A4 paper during other’s presentations (like the last time)

21 april

- Presentation of Assignment [2]
- Assignment [3]: Make the presentation more refined for the next week.

28 april

- Presentation of Assignment [3]


Assignment [1]:

The students

(1) researched and found existing examples of “Smell – Life – Technology”. They did not have to be something digital, but had to be something surprising, innovative, and interesting.  

(2) made short presentations using their own blog site: max. 5 min per person.



(3) made graphical notes on blank papers.

The notes made by me (Maki Ueda):




The notes made by students:




Assignment [2]: